因为新冠疫情,四月初,我被公司裁员了,一共待了三个月左右。 前段时间,我拿到了 USC 南加州大学应用数据科学的硕士学位的 Offer(Applied Data Science Masters),学制两年,学费是 7 万美金。 最近,前公司联系我,让我回去上班。我现在很纠结,不知道该如何选择? 如果去读书,7 万美金和两年时间,对我来说成本还是挺...
and lots of hair. Wishcan is founded by Max and Michael. They met at Stanford university. Max was doing his MBA, and Michael was doing his CS Masters. Wishcan was created with the belief that people are generally nice towards each other, and will help each other in need. And now love...
and lots of hair. Wishcan is founded by Max and Michael. They met at Stanford university. Max was doing his MBA, and Michael was doing his CS Masters. Wishcan was created with the belief that people are generally nice towards each other, and will help each other in need. And now love...