Given that just like Recall, Copilot Vision can also access what you are doing on your web browser, there could be privacy concerns about the feature’s access to sensitive or confidential information. To address these concerns, the company has made Vision opt-in, which means that users decid...
《Going Public: TechCrunch认为Reddit应该以50亿美元的估值上市,根据二手数据显示。》 数字专家:微软预览了 Copilot for Finance,这是一款新的人工智能工具,可帮助用户审查数据集中的风险,从原始数字生成报告等。 科学家使用人工智能技术进行照片匹配,发现由海洋热浪引起的7,000头座头鲸死亡。 AI的下一个步骤 Figure...