Unlike Twitter or Facebook, Reddit does not provide a three-day grace period that allows you to log in and recover your data. There isn't a temporary "deactivate account" option. Your data is gone for good after you click that big red button. What happens to your profile after you dele...
Jessica Price, who wasfired by ArenaNetlast week for arguing with fans of the company’sGuild Wars 2MMO, said she feels betrayed by how the company “folded like a cheap card table”when confronted by toxic fandom. In an interview with Polygon, she talked about the meeting in which she ...
I returned to TWiT.tv’s “TWiL” a month after my debut there to discuss a grab-bag of tech-policy topics: the prospects for cheap, widespread 3-D printing; a new intellectual-property bill that is not the second coming of SOPA; who much data the Feds have been collecting from wirele...
they ask their parents decide to buy one. Parents may know little about technology so that they really tell you that you’re able to choose you. It’s also tough for for you to definitely choose best cheap cell phone plans as your current too many choices ...
If you love Reddit (and we know you do) and you also happen to have an Android phone and the ridiculously cheap Chromecast, your life just got a lot cooler.Reported by Gigaom, an app calledVidditnow allows Android users to beam Reddit videos from subreddit’s to their TV. And that’...
Large & corrupt companies which plunder society pretend to care about subgroups as a cheap form of public relations and to keep their brand from being associated with what they actually do. Crash the economy, spread misinformation, then as people point fingers back and forth for your bad deeds...
Worried about the TikTok ban? This is how it might look on your phone Three new Nothing phones may launch in 2025. Here’s what we know Guild Wars might be getting a spinoff. Here’s what we know Motorola might be working on another cheap foldable. Here’s what we know ...
Cheap labor cant compete with robotics. when that happens we will still lose manufactoring jobs, but we will see the factories and the intelligence required to create the software to run them move back to the states. its critical that we as a country dominate in robotics and factory ...
Every day, I stood at the front podium in a cheap suit, leaning occasionally (which wasn't allowed) and checking my phone when my manager wasn’t looking. Mostly, I fantasized about quitting and going home. On that particular day, I remember wanting to get home so badly I didn’t even...
B.it is cheap to make and buy C. it makes economic fraucl more difficult D.it has the function of leaving voice message 29. What is the difference between the ordinary credu card and model card A. The latter has no loudspeaker.