your own pair of preferred safety glasses within regs. It's important to have good ones that won't fog up on you when you're doing a range day. custom fitted shoes. Take care of your god damn feet. Don't cheap out on shoes. meet with a running store (or foot doc if needed), ...
Interest in Bob waxes and wanes, depending on various online factors, and sometimes tricksters online make it hard to know when one is genuinely dealing with Bob, who may have a form of hypergraphia if he is indeed writing across all the platforms I’ve found. Bob is known for sending ...
when a new technology hits the wall... i tend to ask how i can use it, and im not really sure how people are going to be receptive to me walking around on a stage wearing stupid looking glasses grabbing at invisible titties.why don't you capitalize your "i"'s?coz i dont give a ...
A unit on the left clink their glasses of orange juice as they dine on pork chops and salad. The family on the right share a large hunk of meat loaf, broad smiles on their faces. Staring along the road I estimate upwards of eight hundred people, in neat subsets of four, all dining ...
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