• D'Vorah - Widow's Kiss can now be slightly delayed, had its amplify input window adjusted, damage increased by 50, and its startup is now 28 frames (was 34),• D'Vorah - Fixed issue with Infested Krushing Blow damage over time potentially lingering into next round if the first...
so can hardly list all of them here, so l’ll just choose a few that I really like. She voiced Ghost-Spider / Gwen Stacy in the recentSpider-manseries and the Black Widow inAvengers Assemble
u/Pixarfan1simply thinks that the whole movie could “just be what Bruce was doing on Sakaar betweenShe-Hulkepisode 2 and episode 9.” That wouldn’t be all that complicated, acting similar toBlack Widowin the timeline, and while audiences know the ending practically, there’s still a lot...