FOSS Minecraft Uses Openbox WM and LXDE, allowing you to switch to 2 desktop spaces with the scroll wheel, similar to macOS among-sus, an open-source among us alternative playable in terminal (use "among-sus-server" to host a localhost server andamong-susto connect to a server hosted on...
Unique to this particular piece of malware is its use of's search service to retrieve the botnet server list, which until recently was disguised in a comment to the post "minecraftserverlists." The Reddit string has since been shut down, but iWorm's creators likely set up ...
FOSS Minecraft Uses Openbox WM and LXDE, allowing you to switch to 2 desktop spaces with the scroll wheel, similar to macOS among-sus, an open-source among us alternative playable in terminal (use "among-sus-server" to host a localhost server andamong-susto connect to a server hosted on...