Not a fan of the naked hybrid karambit design, but M-Tech makes some decent knives if you avoid the ones with skulls, pot leaves and gold blades. I have this one and it’s a bargain at twice the price, the level of polish on the handle and blade is first rate. It also is spring...
The recommendations ranged from great mattresses to great kitchen knives, but some home maintenance items stood out to me as particularly good recommendations. Here, find six must-have products recommended by the Buy It for Life subreddit. Do you have them all? A Sturdy Stepladder More than on...
1.48 knives 1.47 changemyview 1.46 poker 1.46 assassinscreed 1.45 csgo 1.45 germany 1.45 askeurope 1.44 politicalhumor 1.44 askcarsales 1.43 prequelmemes 1.43 coolguides 1.42 todayilearned 1.42 40klore 1.42 militaryporn 1.41 sluttyconfessions 1.41 askculinary 1.41 military 1.41 hu...
2.66 knives 2.65 protectandserve 2.64 socialistra 2.63 bigdickproblems 2.63 growingmarijuana 2.63 gratefuldead 2.63 seattle 2.62 nostalgia 2.60 eatcheapandhealthy 2.59 holdmycosmo 2.59 suns 2.57 kdrama 2.57 psvr 2.57 ottawa 2.56 dabs 2.54 camping 2.54 seinfeld 2.54 sandersfor...
1.12 knives 1.12 meditation 1.12 perfectlycutscreams 1.11 bad_cop_no_donut 1.11 bigdickproblems 1.11 food 1.11 fragrance 1.11 whitepeopletwitter 1.11 genshin_impact 1.10 techsupportgore 1.10 anime_irl 1.10 vaporents 1.10 bloodborne 1.10 minecraft 1.10 mawinstallation 1.09 toastme...
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0.54 knives 0.54 learnpython 0.54 49ers 0.54 oddlysatisfying 0.54 blackmagicfuckery 0.54 silverbugs 0.54 patientgamers 0.54 doesanybodyelse 0.54 futurology 0.53 mildlyinteresting 0.53 eve 0.53 germany 0.53 sandiego 0.53 capitalismvsocialism 0.53 minecraftbuilds 0.53 yakuzagames 0.53 ...
0.47 knives 0.47 shittylifeprotips 0.47 mentalhealth 0.47 49ers 0.47 maddenultimateteam 0.47 teslainvestorsclub 0.47 progun 0.47 wallstreetbets 0.47 playboicarti 0.47 justrolledintotheshop 0.47 amitheasshole 0.47 relationship_advice 0.47 googlepixel 0.46 paranormal 0.46 justiceserved ...
3.75 knives 3.72 mycology 3.71 linux_gaming 3.70 afl 3.68 planetside 3.68 tax 3.66 sandiego 3.66 newjersey 3.61 bapcsalescanada 3.57 askto 3.56 minnesota 3.55 mls 3.51 montreal 3.50 streetwear 3.49 orangecounty 3.47 environment 3.47 buyitforlife 3.47 ausfinance 3.46 homeim...