She said that being a parent involves having to cope with the bad stuff, it's what we signed up for, and that it's important not to block out her crying so I can feel what our daughter is feeling. She also said that it probably scares our daughter to see her dad with stuff on h...
Found out Tue night while at work that she didn't wake up (she has bad sleep apnea and also took pain meds for her fibromyalgia) and I guess she was sleeping so good that when she couldn't get air and it didn't wake her up, she was 27 and we was about to be first time homeo...
We argue sometimes of course but never gotten too bad and we have a pretty decent sex life with some exploration but I won't get into that. Long and short is, on Sunday, just after I dropped our boys off at their friends, my husband asked me if we had the house alone and more ...
TheBoys 13 can't believe I haven't seen this meme template yet. 35802 EngineeringPorn 13 A perfect standing wave on a computer controlled wave pool used for research in my university 50136 JustGuysBeingDudes 13 My whole life has been leading up to this moment 24287 tattoos 12 I've had ...
But the desperate asian boys will just say “huh huh whitey so mad” you guys paid a girl to fuck you ahahaha. Reply Anonymous Found the mad whitey Reply Anonymous The title of this article is misleading, it was only intended to trigger /pol/. 4chan on the hole supports the ...
People she grew up with started recognising her on Reddit via things like her phone case, and at the end of 2023, her anxiety attacks got so bad that she came clean to her parents. "I needed them to understand the full story," she says. "I needed to get it off my chest." In Ma...
4 users The Beast, No. 2 3 users The Beast 3 users Top books onr/bdsm View all Screw the Roses, Send Me the Thorns 14 users The Loving Dominant 8 users The New Topping Book 7 users Two Knotty Boys Showing You The Ropes 6 users ...
and both killers would be different than a person who kills pre-pubescent boys. As I began reading about Manfred Seel I found myself surprised because the more I read, the more I could understand how it is that the German police reached the conclusions they did. I am unsure if I wholly...
so obviously, you can’t let little boys play in the kitchen either. thankfully, op has a game plan for how to handle her sexist mil. “passive aggression is my specialty 🙂,” the mom responded. “i plan on posting a ton of pics of my son playing in his brand new kitchen first...
A bad day at the office. Hopefully the players turn up on Sunday. No, what is that? M Read it >.< > And then the other boys agreed and Cartman said he thought the Mormon kid was pretty cool. newlinechar newlinechar Actually they don't. No one says anything except Cart...