Reddit用户大多数都是美国人,有的人在上面看新闻,有的人刷meme(比如我 嘿嘿嘿),有一些比较严肃的“吧”(subreddit),也有一些很有趣的“吧”,比如说r/AskReddit(问问Reddit) 在此吧里,网友们会提出各种正常、不正常、和谐、不和谐的问题,又会有许多热心网友进行回复(好像跟知乎还有点像?) 哎呀,说了这么多,...
#AskReddit# 推荐一下你心中的满分神剧(总集数少于40的那种)。以下是该帖中评论区最高赞的top10: 🔴1.切尔诺贝利(Chernobyl,2019)🔴2.兄弟连(Band of Brothers,2001)🔴3.弗尔蒂旅馆(Fawlty Towers,1975...
Reddit,这个拥有数百万活跃用户和版主的社交媒体巨头,即将迎来其首次公开募股(IPO),然而,这一消息并未引发其忠实用户群体,尤其是版主们的热烈反响。相反,许多版主对此持保留甚至怀疑态度,这主要源于他们与Reddit管理层之间长期的不稳定关系,以及对当前市场环境的担忧。 Sarah Gilbert是Reddit上r/AskHistorians版块的管理者...
Five Fifteen Labs, LLC Designed for iPad Free Screenshots iPad iPhone Description Energize your conversations with the power of Reddit!! Browse the hottest content from the AskReddit community simply using gestures. Great for the following - Conversation starters ...
app verwenden reddit readers alle folgen alle imdbpro alle themen r/askreddit - what do you regret finding out? best of reddit posts episode 55 podcast-folge 2019 17 min. ihre bewertung bewerten füge eine handlung in deiner sprache hinzu siehe produktionsinformationen bei imdbpro ihre bewertung...
In this post an experienced PM goes through popular reddit product management advice and tells you whether it's useful or not. Useful for all PMs!
Find the latest Reddit Inc, RDDT stock market data. Get a full understanding of how Reddit Inc is performing with stock quotes and prices, as well as real-time news and analysis.
AMA stands for "Ask me anything", and these types of sessions are well known and loved on Reddit because they provide a fun way to engage organically with other Redditors. Giving your audience an opportunity to ask you questions openly allows your brand's personality to shine while shedding...
Join GoPro CEO Nick Woodman for a Reddit AMA on Thursday, July 16th at 3pm (PST) This Thursday, Nick Woodman will be taking questions from the community in his first Reddit Ask Me Anything (AMA). Starting at 3pm Pacific Standard Time, Nick will be online from the GoPro office in San...