If you do nothing but tier 1 rifts, then it's very reasonable to go 4 rifts without seeing a Legendary. I think the chance of a Legendary @ tier 1 is around 35-40% per run. On the other hand, if you do higher tier rifts then you are likely to see one every run (or more!)(...
0.18 magicarena 0.18 badwomensanatomy 0.18 furry_irl 0.17 lsd 0.17 motorcycles 0.17 insaneparents 0.17 fuckyoukaren 0.16 suggestmeabook 0.16 hentai 0.16 sex 0.16 legaladvice 0.15 cursedcomments 0.15 amihot 0.14 vegan 0.14 kgbtr 0.14 pokemongo 0.13 crappydesign 0.13 personal...
2.74 afkarena 2.73 thesims 2.72 infp 2.70 duellinks 2.69 mxrmods 2.69 saltierthancrait 2.68 agedlikemilk 2.67 goodanimemes 2.67 googlepixel 2.66 apexlegends 2.66 noahgettheboat 2.63 dnd 2.63 oculusquest 2.62 deadbydaylight 2.61 daytrading 2.60 criticalrole 2.56 mortalkombat...
0.18 magicarena 0.17 furry_irl 0.17 lsd 0.17 philippines 0.17 thesilphroad 0.17 selfie 0.17 buildapcsales 0.17 wallstreetbetsogs 0.16 wallstreetsilver 0.15 pussy 0.15 depression 0.15 gunners 0.14 rupaulsdragrace 0.14 totalwar 0.14 titanfall 0.14 houseplants 0.14 boobs 0.13 ...
0.67 magicarena 0.67 dankmemes 0.66 askto 0.66 thefighterandthekid 0.66 highstrangeness 0.66 moviesuggestions 0.66 niceguys 0.66 spoileddragrace 0.65 cuckold 0.65 stardustcrusaders 0.65 stadia 0.65 france 0.65 airforce 0.65 guildwars2 0.65 edmonton 0.65 averageredditor 0.64 ath...
2.91 magicarena 2.89 anarchychess 2.88 genshin_memepact 2.87 confessions 2.85 animesuggest 2.84 modernwarfare 2.82 pokemongo 2.79 islam 2.79 kingdomhearts 2.78 cringetopia 2.78 teenagers 2.78 adoptmerbx 2.78 blackopscoldwar 2.78 gamesale 2.77 asktrp 2.76 trophies 2.76 dankmeme...
1.26 magicarena 1.26 hornyjail 1.25 gundam 1.25 leaves 1.24 worldofpvp 1.24 random_acts_of_amazon 1.23 furry_irl 1.23 conspiracytheories 1.22 fifa 1.22 twosentencehorror 1.22 pewdiepiesubmissions 1.21 aliens 1.21 pcmasterrace 1.21 spirituality 1.21 firefox 1.21 virtualreality 1.20...
2.28 magicarena 2.28 whiskey 2.28 valheim 2.27 badwomensanatomy 2.27 summonerschool 2.26 eu4 2.26 shittylifeprotips 2.25 audiophile 2.25 nintendo 2.24 halifax 2.24 fantasy 2.23 animesuggest 2.23 community 2.22 destinythegame 2.22 zelda 2.22 teslamodel3 2.21 christianity 2.20 hog...
1.66 afkarena 1.66 forza 1.66 chess 1.64 stadia 1.64 valorantcompetitive 1.64 hmmm 1.64 needafriend 1.63 saltierthancrait 1.63 rocketleague 1.63 trashtaste 1.60 oddlyterrifying 1.59 warframe 1.59 blender 1.58 rwby 1.58 singapore 1.58 godzilla 1.57 knifeclub 1.57 researchchemica...
0.68 magicarena 0.67 callofdutymobile 0.67 oddlysatisfying 0.67 dundermifflin 0.67 ccw 0.67 highstrangeness 0.67 codwarzone 0.67 genshin_impact 0.66 bass 0.66 yugioh 0.66 smashbros 0.66 indonesia 0.66 murderedbyaoc 0.66 coys 0.66 cyberpunkgame 0.66 pubattlegrounds 0.66 hpfanfic...