■ Lots and lots of cats Developer Note: This app does not support Windows 10 S.Read more No user reviews Sort by Most helpfulAdd a review No one has reviewed this application yet. Be the first to add a review. DetailsAvailable in 1 language Published byreddit Inc. TermsPrivacy policy ...
Reddit has launched an official app for Windows, but it's just a PWA that opens the website without any exclusive features.
Reviews on Google Play is quite not the best as of yet as many users are experiencing complete crash upon launching the app. Reply b b0ne Smf 08 Apr 2016 redDit sucks Reply N Nette Kg{ 08 Apr 2016 Any Windows 10 UWP release soon? For the bashers, give peace a chance and harmony...
the HDMI Display Dongle Adapter by Yunir is a simple and affordable solution. With Full HD image support, real-time casting, and support for mirroring apps, you can easily project most of the media you want from your iOS, Android, or Windows devices to your TV or projector. However...
This app was tested manually by the author using the Chrome Browser on Windows 10 and on Android (Galaxy S9) Limited automated testing on component rendering is included - see the various .test.js files for details Layout for the resolutions of the following devices was tested (via Chrome ...
Deploy and run an EC2 Streaming python app via CloudFormation Create a Glue data catalog via CloudFormation to provide schemas and structure to your data Use Athena to directly query your S3 bucket with SQL 3. Prerequisites This tutorial requires: A laptop with Wi-Fi running Microsoft Windows, ...
AMD、微软今天官方公布了AMD处理器在Windows 11系统中的两个兼容性问题,都会导致性能不同程度地下跌。 1、三级缓存延迟可能增加3倍之多 这将影响对缓存、内存子系统敏感的应用,性能或损失3-5%,部分电竞网游可能高达10-15%。 对应的Windows补丁正在开发中,预计本月内推送。 2、UEFI CPPC2无法优先将进程调度到最...
3月 2 日消息,微软日前发布博客,宣布 Windows 11 的 AI 助手 Copilot 将获得多项技能提升。 据介绍,这些新功能建立在 Windows 11 PC 键盘 Copilot 按键的基础上。微软更新了任务栏上的 Copilot 图标,以及带来停靠、取消停靠和调整 Copilot 窗口大小的功能。
RedditC2是一款基于RedditAPI的C2流量托管工具,该工具能够使用Reddit API来托管C2流量,由于大部分蓝队研究人员都会使用Reddit,因此使用Reddit API就变成了一个伪装合法流量的绝佳方式。 该项目仅出于教育目的或测试目的开发和使用,请在获得测试授权后谨慎使用。
需要提醒的是,NetNewsWire 6 已经沙盒化,意味着大概率会上架 Mac App Store 了;但也由于开启沙盒,数据保存的位置发生了变更,因此升级测试版前建议备份一下目录~/Library/Application Support/NetNewsWire/,保证退回旧版能够恢复原有数据。 所以……请谨慎尝鲜,就让我来给你们当这个小白鼠吧。