There is nuclear fission. If it can solve the cost, safety and waste concerns it can make a massive contribution to solving climate change. I am biased because I have been investing over a billion in this starting over a decade ago. Also promising is nuclear fusion. It is less clear if ...
TIL (Today I Learned):指今天新学到的东西,强调或分享一些新的知识。 AMA (Ask Me Anything):用来邀请别人提问。一般先介绍自己的身份或特长,然后邀请别人根据自己的介绍,询问相关的问题。 例如:I am a British person spending the week in rural France. AMA. Repost:已经发表过的帖子。 3. Reddit规则——...
stickers, koozies. basic stuff. We're thinking about licensing an official Republic thong...maybe even a whole line of underwear or "Unmentionables" for you old school baby boomers. We're open to ideas. If
NSFW(Not Safe For Work):指不适合在公共场合打开的内容,通常出现在文章的标题,用来提醒读者。 TIL (Today I Learned):指今天新学到的东西,强调或分享一些新的知识。 AMA (Ask Me Anything):用来邀请别人提问。一般先介绍自己的身份或特长,然后邀请别人根据自己的介绍,询问相关的问题。 例如:I am a British p...
It is still unbelievable that he’s basically come back 100% from a fucking Achilles. I don’t...
I am part of the 30%.I lost a ARAM game on Sona AMA 我就是那30%中的一员。[译注1]终于...
例如:I am a British person spending the week in rural France. AMA.Repost:已经发表过的帖子。3. Reddit规则——RedditquetteRedditquette是Reddit的监测体系,监管着用户在Reddit上的行为。就像现实生活中人们都要遵守礼仪一样,在Reddit上也应该遵守Redditquette。因为在Reddit的匿名背后,很容易出现语言攻击,垃圾广告...
reddit原文链接: 微博原文链接: • Will you start submitting music to record labels? I'd absolutely love to see you release on Monstercat, Welcome Record...
If you use the classicold.reddit.comversion of Reddit, you can make this change by logging in and clicking "Preferences" in the top-right corner of the page, and then scrolling down to "Content Options" to toggle the "I am over eighteen years old and willing to view adult content" che...
TIL (Today I Learned):指今天新学到的东西,强调或分享一些新的知识。 AMA (Ask Me Anything):用来邀请别人提问。一般先介绍自己的身份或特长,然后邀请别人根据自己的介绍,询问相关的问题。 例如:I am a British person spending the week in rural France. AMA. ...