“AM I THE ASSHOLE” 这个 subreddit 是混蛋的线上告解室,善人的道德试金石。任何...
AITA(Am I The Asshole):一个常见的 Subreddit,用户在这里讨论自己是否在某种情况下做错了。 TL;DR(Too Long; Didn’t Read):意为”太长不看”,通常用于总结长文。 ELI5(Explain Like I’m 5):意为”像我 5 岁一样解释”,要求用简单易懂的方式解释复杂概念。 FTFY(Fixed That For You):意为”我帮...
Reddit上的这位父亲显然没有得到备忘录。 一名32岁的两个孩子的妈妈带去Reddit的Am I the A ** hole(AITA)subreddit,以获取有关导致孩子流泪的情况的一些反馈。 u / throwaway1368989解释说:“我在十月分娩了。” “从那时起,我一直很难减轻婴儿的体重……主要是因为我的产后抑郁症。我几乎没有睡觉照顾我的孩...
Sidebar:即侧边栏,每一个社区都有侧边栏,可能包含:社区规则、社区描述、版主联系方式、其他推荐的sub、FAQs 等。 AMA:即“Ask Me Anything”的缩写,Reddit 这种缩写还很多,比如 NSFW(Not Safe For Work=敏感内容)、AITA(Am I The Asshole=我是混蛋吗)等 meme:可以理解为“梗”。 report:相当于投诉按钮,发现...
am I the a**hole here? Edit: context of our relationship, we don't usually talk at all and she hasn't visited home in four years. Edit 2: Beginning to think it was maybe a mistake posting this. Mostly because this is a real and nuanced situation and Reddit is no place for n...
And so one mom found herself on the“Am I The A—hole? (AITA?)” subredditwondering if she and her husband made a parenting faux pas. How It All Started Getty ImagesGetty Images OP’s kids take taekwondo classes with a boy whose 4-year-old brother tags along. This 4-year-old is ...
Redditor GateKeepingRunner wanted to discuss their experience and get some feedback. So naturally, they came to visit the“Am I The A**hole”(AITA) subReddit. They asked: “AITA for telling my S[ister]-I[n]-L[aw] that she didn’t actually run a marathon?” ...
"The Advice Pod - Reddit Stories and Advice" AITA For Disrespecting The Elderly? - Am I The Asshole? (Podcast Episode 2024) - Plot summary, synopsis, and more...
If you, dear readers, are anything like the dear Redditors on the“Am I The A—hole? (AITA?)”subreddit, you’re about to have a lot of feelings. So prepare for the possible secondhand cringe, or the fury, or the endless eye-rolling (or a little bit of each). ...
Redditor djru183 to discuss their experience and get some feedback. So naturally, they came to visit the“Am I The A**hole”(AITA) subReddit. They asked: “AITA for high fiving a stranger who ‘humiliated’ my b[oy]f[riend]?