The MRE protein line is built off the premise that real food protein is the most important fuel you can give your body. MRE Protein Shake is a convenient ready-to-drink protein shake that is perfect for pre and post workout. Formulated without whey protein, MRE Protein Shake has 2...
Each carton of Redcon1’s MRE RTD packs a solid 40g of protein from a blend of beef, pea, brown rice, and egg white protein; most notably missing from that group is, of course, the traditional whey or milk. As mentioned, the rest of the product’s macros are impressively lean with ...
MRE Redcon1 15年老店直邮 蛋白粉混合3250G Protein Food Whole •所在地:广东 深圳 •店铺掌柜:顽皮猴零食店 •商品标签:Redcon1 MRE Whole Food Protein 查看图文详情 大家正在抢 汤臣倍健蛋白质粉增强免疫力礼盒乳清中老年成人营养品官方旗舰店 ¥350 赛霸乳清蛋白粉健身增健肌分离三重乳清蛋白质粉whey...