红曲补剂的6种功效及副作用(12点使用禁忌要留意) 红曲(Red Yeast Rice),又称红曲米,是一种传统发酵制品,几个世纪以来被用来酿造米酒、做为增味剂、食品着色剂,并能促进消化、通血路和帮助代谢,最早可追朔至唐朝时期(公元618-907年)的《古田地方志...
As with other supplements, the typical daily dosage of red yeast rice is high. Studies have evaluated the benefits of 600 milligrams taken two to four times a day, for a total of 1,200 to 2,400 milligrams. Since there is no way of knowing how much of the beneficial chemical compounds ...
NATURE‘S BOUNTY(自然之宝)创立于1971年的美国纽约长岛,专注于生产维生素、矿物质、蛋白粉及草本精华等多种膳食补充剂。今天介绍的是一款名为Red Yeast Rice(红曲米)的胶囊,它由美国知名品牌NATURE‘S BOUNTY生产。该胶囊特别适合肉类爱好者和高胆固醇患者。红曲米是通过在稻米中添加红曲霉菌进行发酵...
Some research suggests that combining red yeast rice with other supplements could further improve its benefits and prevent adverse side effects. Talk to your doctor before adding any new supplements to your regimen, let alone combinations of supplements. Coenzyme Q10 Red yeast rice, like lovastatin,...
紅麴(Red yeast rice)是當今養生風潮下最值得注意的食品,在中醫辭典中,紅麴主要功效有健脾助消化、暢通血管等功效。 而紅麴的由來,最早可追朔製一千年前的宋朝,當時將紅麴普遍用於烹調、醫療及食材防腐用途。製作是利用米或山藥等食物當養分,在將紅麴菌播種於其中,於...
researchers have reported that lovastatin is illegally added to some red yeast rice products, and the FDA has issued warnings to these manufacturers. The FDA has requested withdrawal of red yeast products with high monacolin K, considered to be unapproved newdrugsthat cannot be legally sold in ...
💝Red Yeast Rice红曲米片,红曲具有降血压、降血脂的作用,降低心脏疾病风险,所含红曲黴素可阻止生成胆固醇;以及防癌好功效均已被实验所证实。有效防治动脉硬化、冠心病等。同时,它也有抗老、提高免疫力等功效!每瓶240粒,1200mg含量!每天2次,每次2粒,随餐服用!24小时内不能超过4片!总而言之它是降三高滴!!
美国时刻 红曲米片(.. 红曲在古代称丹曲,是我国古代的伟大发明。红曲是以大米为原料经微生物发酵而成,含有酵母、蛋白酶、淀粉酶及多种生理活性物质的存在。在欧美及日本,对红曲的研究推
Benefits of red yeast rice supplements The major benefit of red yeast rice and the one that has the most support in the research is its action oflowering or balancing cholesterol. People taking red yeast rice for this purpose found that after 12 weeks of regular supplementation, their cholestero...
降胆固醇良药–红曲米(Red yeast rice) 红曲米由经过红曲霉发酵的大米制成,明代《本草纲目》记载红曲营养丰富,具有健脾消食、活血化淤的特殊功效。它也是我国传统使用的天然色素之一 . 上世纪七十年代,日本远藤章教授从红曲霉菌的次生级代谢产物中发现了能够降低人体血清胆固醇的物质“Monacolin-k ”,引起医学界对红曲...