Stella Rosa Rosso, the timeless original Stella, is all about the classics. This semi-sweet, semi-sparkling red wine is the must-have at every and any occasion. Flavor Profile Fresh strawberry, and red berry. Size Variations 750 ml – Perfect to share with a few loved ones over dinner- ...
Vino Nobile di Montepulciano is one of Italy's classic red wines, and has unquestionably helped Tuscany retain its privileged place on the world wine map.
斯特拉罗索酒庄(Chateau Stella Rosso) 【详情】 本酒款产区资料ABOUT REGION 意大利(Italy) 意大利是西欧最早酿制葡萄酒的国家,几乎全国各地都种植有葡萄树。我们现在优雅的葡萄酒文化就起源于这个拥有悠久葡萄种植历史的国家。 意大利葡萄酒历史悠久,超过4000年。据说当年只要是凯撒大帝征服的土地,那片土地就会有葡萄树...
Spunky and spirited sums up Stella Rosa Berry, a semi-sweet, semi-sparkling wine. It's like the best friend who is always going to keep you in a good mood.
Chateau Stella Rosso Rosa Red, Italy 年份全部年份 NV 国内市场参考价:¥暂无价格信息(NV年份) 酒庄斯特拉罗索酒庄 产区意大利 简介 资料 酒庄酒款 扩展信息 斯特拉罗索酒庄Chateau Stella Rosso --暂无酒庄详细资料-- 年份全部年份 NV --暂无该年份评价信息--...
Curious Beast Blood Red Wine 2011 Curious Beasts Red 2011 Curious Beasts Red 2012 Curious Beasts Red 2013 Cuvée Du Fond Du Rang 2019, Lac St Perdu Demestica Red Achaia Clauss (1000ml) Domaine Cazes Marie Gabrielle 2011 Domaine Courbis Champelrose Cornas 2012 ...
Wine-Searcher is not responsible for omissions and inaccuracies. Also from 'Sparkman Cellars' (20+) Learn more Sparkman Cellars Wilderness Red Columbia Valley, USA ¥220 89 / 100 Sparkman Cellars Darkness Syrah Yakima Valley, USA ¥504 91 / 100 Sparkman Cellars Stella Mae Co...
Wine-Searcher is not responsible for omissions and inaccuracies. Also from 'Sparkman Cellars' (20+) Learn more Sparkman Cellars Darkness Syrah Yakima Valley, USA ¥505 91 / 100 Sparkman Cellars Stella Mae Columbia Valley, USA ¥542 90 / 100 Sparkman Cellars Kindred Red Columbia Valley...
Stella Maris 【详情】本酒款酿酒葡萄资料ABOUT GRAPE 赤霞珠(Cabernet Sauvignon) 典型香气:黑加仑、黑醋栗、黑樱桃、青椒、薄荷;烟熏、香草、咖啡、雪松等橡木带来的风味;陈年之后还会有菌菇类、干树叶、动物皮毛和矿物的香气起源: 作为世界上最著名的红葡萄品种,赤霞珠(Cabernet Sauvignon)的历史并不是特别悠久。它...