Home>Shop>Wine>Red>Grenache Grenache (French) or Garnacha (Spanish) is one of the most widely planted red wine grape varieties in the world. Send a personalized bottle of any our Grenache red wine brands below for a wine lover to appreciate. ...
Red wine is an alcoholic drink made by fermenting the juice of dark-skinned grapes. Its specialty is that antioxidants in red wine called polyphenols may help protect the lining of blood vessels in the heart. Red wine includes 12% to 15% alcohol by volume. Red wines of all brands are ...
Viola 18-piece Wine Set $237.00 Sale $176.99 Bonus Offer With Purchase (1) Red Vanilla Vanilla PARTY Serving Dishes with Wooden Tray 23 x 7" $104.00 Sale $77.99 Bonus Offer With Purchase (1) Red Vanilla Samba Martini Dessert Glass 11 Oz, Set of 6 $89.00 Sale $65.99 Bonus...
Asignificantshare oftheproductionofwinesuppliesthenationalmarket.Beingthemainsaleschannels,supermarketchainsandthewinestore.A few of oursupermarketclientsare: TOTTUS; UNIMARC; WALMART. Wecurrently haveexportionstoothercountriesofAmericaandOceania. We are on the beginning to open up to the international...
莱拉酒庄(Brand's Laira)位于澳大利亚南澳州(South )库纳瓦拉(Coonawarra)葡萄酒产区,是产区内标志性的酒庄之一,坐落在有名的特罗莎(Terra rossa)红土地带中心区域。该酒庄现归属于澳洲最负盛名的家族酒庄麦克威廉酒庄(McWilliam's Wines)旗下。 莱拉酒庄名“Brand's Laira”是库纳瓦拉产区丰富历史底蕴的代名词。从...
Barolo and Brunello di Montalcino have a problem: the wine-drinking world outside Italy is far more used to Bordeaux and Burgundy, and comparisons are difficult. But that is also their advantage. The new vintages of each will be released soon: that's 2017 for Brunello, and 2018 for Barolo...
It may also allow them to fit an occasional glass of wine to their personal health goals.“千禧一代(出生于1981年至1996年)和z世代(出生于1997年至2012年)消费者可能特别欣赏这种透明度,因为它可以帮助他们认为葡萄酒不那么神秘,更容易获得。它还可以让他们偶尔喝一杯葡萄酒来达到他们的个人健康目标。”...
Similar in flavor to Carménère with a pronounced spiciness and more tannin than Zwiegelt, this wine can be found grown in America, particularly in Washington State and New York. Because of this, Lemberger will start to become more popular in America. Cherry, Raspberry Grenache Grenache can ra...
精品干红葡萄酒系列概览(Premium Red Wine Brands)哈列巴(Khareba)哈列巴,作为格鲁吉亚的顶级红葡萄酒代表,以其独特的酿造工艺和口感著称。选用本地红葡萄品种萨彻拉(Saperavi)等优质原料,经过长达18个月的橡木桶陈化,最终呈现出深沉夺目的色泽与浓郁馥郁的香气。这款酒不仅散发着黑色浆果如黑樱桃、黑莓的诱人芬芳,...
凯隆酒业 有机葡萄酒 智利名庄 智利进口酒商 More Brands Top Wines No.1 JSA Ciervo Afortunado, White Wine Semi Sweet, Central Valley Superior Importers 4 Inquiries No.2 Superior Importers 8 Inquiries No.3 VICOBABONE MALVASIA DOLCE DENOMINAZIONE DI ORIGINE CONTROLIATA Superior Importers 571...