North / North Dakota / Agent North Dakota 27 Mystery Science Theater 3000 (2017) Arryn Zech Dr. Grey / Dr. Emily Grey / Control / Emily Grey / Computer Voice 27 RWBY (2012) Shana Merlin South / Agent South Dakota / South Dakota 26 Red vs. Blue: Recovery One (2007) Lee...
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Jackson said he believes that despite the preponderance of Republican wins, Texas is going from a "red" conservative state to a "blue," more progressive state, though there are large swaths of Texas that are untouched by the more left-wing mind-set and are not yet even purple. Abbott is ...
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and blue markers indicate locations where it is greater than 3 mm. Black markers indicate where WRC dieback occurs and was found during this study. This map illustrates that the majority of WRC dieback sites were predicted by this first variable. This visualization also illustrates the elevation ...
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