Andra Day (The United States vs. Billie Holiday)Set in the 1940s, Lee Daniels’s The United States vs. Billie Holiday follows the life and struggles of Billie Holiday, one of the most instrumental jazz singers in the history of music. In particular, the film focuses on the U.S. ...
We conclude by commending the founding of the International Communist League. We greatly appreciate the concern and suggestions from the international communist movement about the revolutionary movement in the United States. We welcome criticism from comrades internationally, and encourage them to continue ...
Living in a country where people's basic human rights are being stripped down or removed on a regular basis, where hate and prejudice are alive and well, where violence can erupt at any moment in almost any location — it feels increasingly strange to call being an American a privileged and...
DuFresne obtains his nickname Doc meets the Blue Team Doc meets the Red Team Omega/Doc on Sidewinder Meta punching Doc Doc with his captors Doc in Season 5 Doc and Donut Trivia References ExpandRedvs.BlueCharacters Community content is available underCC-BY-SAunless otherwise noted....
For quite some time I have watched with dismay as the United States has sunk under the morass of the GOP/Trump administration. I’ve held off on commenting, partly because no matter how low the bar has sunk, we still don’t seem to have reached bottom. Where that will leave us, I ...