Red squirrels are rare in the UK largely because they are out-competed and replaced by populations of grey squirrels (check out the links for more info). (Full text) Distribution - The red squirrel is abundant in any kind of forest, coniferous, pine, mixed or hardwood forests, often around...
Effects of forest structure on the distribution of southern flying squirrels (Glaucomys volans) in urban parks Although southern flying squirrels ( Glaucomys volans ) are present in many urban parks, squirrel-habitat relationships in such areas are poorly understood... ERIN M. KEEFE,WILLIAM M. ...
The model was used to investigate the spread of grey squirrels and its impact on the distribution of red squirrels in Norfolk, UK, where historical information on the decline in the red squirrel and the expansion of the grey squirrel were available. We examined the effect of a range of life...
1994: Distribution and dynamics of the red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris L.) in a landscape with fragmented habitat. - Landscape Ecology 9: 227-235.Apeldoorn, R. C., Celada, C. and Nieuwenhuizen, W. 1994. Distribution and dynamics of the red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris L.) in a landscape...
Culling is a management option that has been effectively used in the UK during squirrelpox outbreaks affecting threatened red squirrels (Chantrey et al., 2014). This technique has been deployed given that the recovery of captive red squirrels infected with squirrelpox is rare. Given the ...
Grey squirrels are not only more aggressive than the native European red squirrel,which causes them to invade red-dominated areas and take over,but they also carry a deadly virus,the squirrel pox. While greys are largely immune to the virus,it is deadly to red squirrels, which typically die... (全网免费下载) (全网免费下载) 相似文献PERSPECTIVES ON RED SQUIRREL (TAMIASCIURUS HUDSONICUS) AND EASTERN CHIPMUNK (TAMIAS STRIATUS) DISTRIBUTION AND DETECTABILITY IN NEWFOUNDLAND FROM CITIZEN S... PERSPECTIVES ON RED SQUIRREL (TAMIASCIURUS...
When Beatrix Potter sat down to write The Tale of Squirrel Nutkin, there was never any doubt...Reds on the Run: The Introduction of Grey Squirrels into the UK Has Sent the Native Red Squirrel to the Brink of Extinction. However, the Grey's Ubiquity in British Parks and Gardens Makes It...
The color and ear feathers of red squirrels, which take on a darker fur in winter, are important features that distinguish them from other squirrel species. Unfortunately, numbers of red squirrels have decreased in the UK, Ireland and Italy in recent years due to habitat loss caused by human...
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