Define redshift. redshift synonyms, redshift pronunciation, redshift translation, English dictionary definition of redshift. or red·shift n. An increase in the wavelength of radiation emitted by a receding celestial object as a consequence of the Dopple
Redshift, displacement of the spectrum of an astronomical object toward longer (red) wavelengths. It is attributed to the Doppler effect, a change in wavelength that results when an object and an observer are in motion with respect to each other. Learn a
A redshift is a shift in the frequency of an electromagnetic wave caused by an object’s motion. Light from objects moving away from an observer have their light waves shifted toward the red part of the spectrum. Redshift is commonly observed inastronomy, particularly in the observation of ve...
Learn the definition of Red shift and browse a collection of 121 enlightening community discussions around the topic.
首先:the extent to which是个固定搭配,因此剩下AB;然后:看全句结尾处"by the rapid motion of ...
Learn the definition of Redshift and browse a collection of 385 enlightening community discussions around the topic.
Redshift (Building Blocks of Modern Astronomy)Stuart Clark
Astronomy 是 Mac 平台上的一款天文知识学习的软件,在Astronomy 中用户可以学习到如百科全书里一般的天文学知识。 利用多次获奖的专业天文学软件Redshift探索太空。以无与伦比的清晰度观察夜空,穿过我们的银河系以及远处,观察行星,卫星,小行星,星云和近距离的其他天体。 从地球上任何期望的角度或从卫星和行星探索夜空,...
Astronomy: An extraordinary gravitational lens and the redshift debateNo Abstract available for this article.doi:10.1038/316102a0M. G. EdmundsNature Publishing Group UKNature
What is the role of distant galaxies in galaxy formation models and the epoch of reionization? What are the conditions in typical star-forming galaxies at redshifts≳4? Why is galaxy evolution dependent on environment? The Spitzer Space Telescope has been a crucial tool for addressing these ...