Red Sea Coral Reefs are the northernmost in the Indian Ocean. Most of the Red Sea coast is rimmed by shallow submarine shelves
We highlight the need for immediate action to secure the northern sections of the Red Sea as a coral reef climate change refuge by management and removal of local stressors. There is a need to strengthen the scientific knowledge base for proper management and to encourage regional collaboration ...
In fact, Israel recently joined several neighboring Arab states in a program to protect Red Sea coral reef ecosystems. The Red Sea Transnational Research Center will be located in Bern, Switzerland and will host researchers from Israel, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, Eritrea, Sudan, Yemen and Djib...
Corals may glow yellow, orange and red to improve light conditions for algae. Shallow-water corals in the Red Sea glow green, but marine scientists have discovered corals some 50–60 metres below the surface that take on dazzling hues of yellow, orange and red. The study is the first to ...
If that hypothesis is correct, then “some of the things that we’ve learned about these mechanisms might give us insight into how corals deal with other types of stressful conditions”, says David Kline, a coral reef ecologist at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography in La Jolla, California...
In modern Red Sea coral reef rock, pore spaces of corals are partly filled with fibrous aragonite precipitated subaqueously. By contrast, subaerially exposed reef rock about 115,000 years old, but with corals still composed of aragonite, lacks cement. Its porosity and permeability exceed those of...
Coral reef in the Red Sea(more) South of this point and continuing southeast to latitude 16° N, the main trough becomes sinuous, following the irregularities of the shoreline. About halfway down this section, roughly between 20° and 21° N, the topography of the trough becomes more rugged...
The types of reef forms and the composition, diversity, zoogeographic affinities and ecological status of coral communitiesof the Yemen Red Sea were assessed between 1996 and 1998. Contemporary coral growth occurs as true accreting reefsfringing the mainland coast and islands, submerged patch reefs, ...
Home Coral Reefs Article Empirically derived thermal thresholds of four coral species along the Red Sea using a portable and standardized experimental approachReport Open access Published: 22 March 2022 Volume 41, pages 239–252, (2022) Cite this article ...
This paper reports a deep-water coral framework (a single colonial bush or a larger bioconstruction of coral covering the sea bottom), formed entirely by the scleractinian coral Eguchipsammia fistula (Alcock, 1902) (Dendrophylliidae), in the northern Red Sea waters of Saudi Arabia at a depth...