We had a great dinner went back to the inn and napped so we would be fresh for our midnight tour . We chose a walking tour down to the Caribbean Sea for a guided tour to see the Green Sea Turtles nest and hatch. This was the end of July and you could hear the roar of the sea...
people were legit running to see the aftermath and arrest. We were all shook and, thankfully, no one was hurt. After the exhilaration wore down from the spectacle, I couldn’t help but think about the other times the TTop community has come together. Most recently, it was for thetotal...
p(are) dpicrteeddicttoetdaltaontatiloaxnidtiaonxtidcaanptacciatypapceirtygrpaemr ogfratema foofr atesatefeopr taimsetedeupratitmioen of 1–d10urmatiino.nCooflo1u–r1e0dmbianr.sCinodloicuarteedthbeamrsainnudficaactteurtehres msuagnguefsatcetdursetersepsutigmgeesftoerdeastcehepteatimtyepef;o...
Interestingly, COD caused an additional arrest in the S-phase. The cell cycle inhibitory activity of Peyssonnelia capensis (PEY2) was different with a moderate arrest in G0/G1 and only weak cell loss. In order to gain a better understanding of the underlying mechanisms of the cell cycle-...
PPrriinncciippaall ccoommppoonneennttaannaallyyssiiss ((PPCCAA))ooff tthhee uunniinnffeecctteeddrreedd bblloooodd cceellllss'' mmeettaabboolliicc pprrooffiilleess:: (A) score scatter plot (PC1 vs. PPCC22)),, (BB) the loadinng scaatttteerr plloott,, uRBBCCss;; unniinnffeecc...