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On June 22, 2017 the Red Hot Chili Peppers played the First Ontario Center in Hamilton, Canada. The Chilies are Rock and Roll Hall of Famers and they deliver every time. The same cannot be said for the opening acts. Jack Irons came out first and played a non-offensive drum and synthesi...
Picking the sunniest spot, he leaned back against a rock, waited for his bamboo chicken, sipped brandy from the measure cap and watched the swarms of little bees cluster thickly as grapes on his shoes and socks. They did land on the other guides’ clothes as well, but for some reason hi...
There were no flips on the rapids, but the paddle boat (which I wasn’t on at the time) got hung up on a rock for a bit and tipped, dumping Eddie and Janette into the rapids. Eddie quickly drifted to the shore, but Janette rode though two rapids in her life jacket. It was scary...
and climbed up and down over 1250 feet of rock and boulders. It was an amazing experience, I didn’t think I was capable of doing, but it was so much fun and a real sense of accomplishment. We even got cheers when we got back to camp. It was only 9:30 in the morning, and we...
done correctly. It doesn’t overwhelm the eyes with candy-coated chaos nor does it assault the auditory senses with copious noise garbage. It’s a breezy watch at merely 96 minutes, and, blessed so, doesn’t feel overly calculated like some of its counterparts (looking at you,Spirit ...