Learn about the potential benefits of Red Yeast Rice including contraindications, adverse reactions, toxicology, pharmacology and historical usage.
英文名称:Red Rice Yeast Extract 产地/厂商:斯诺特生物 主要成分:洛伐他汀(Lovastatin) 别名:红曲米浸膏 红曲米粉 红曲米浓缩粉 红曲米速溶粉 用途:保健品厂、功能性食品厂、饮料厂、化妆品厂、兽药饲料厂 红曲米提取物 Red Rice Yeast Extract 红曲米提取物 10:1 红曲米粉 红曲米洛伐他丁 喷干粉 *供应 ...
1. 肌肉问题:使用红曲米可能引起肌肉疼痛、肌酸激酶水平升高、身体虚弱和头晕。2. 横纹肌溶解症:虽然罕见,但红曲米可能导致肌肉组织严重破坏,表现为肌肉和关节疼痛,以及压痛。3. 他汀类药物影响:红曲米中含有的他汀类成分可能引发特定副作用。研究指出,他汀类药物会改变线粒体内物质的生产,老年、糖...
Uses of red yeast rice in treating dengue virus infectionThis invention provides a method of using red yeast rice fermented product to treat a subject having a disease caused by dengue virus. In one embodiment, the red yeast rice is prepared with the yeastSuharto...
红曲米副作用 1、肌病。肌肉疼痛、肌酸激酶水平提高、虚弱、头晕等。2、横纹肌溶解症。肌肉组织严重崩溃、肌肉痛、关节痛,压痛等。尽管很少发生,但绝不能忽视。3、红曲包含的他汀类药物可能有一些副作用。研究表明,他汀类药物影响线粒体物质生产。老人、糖尿病或心脏病患者更容易受这些副作用影响。4、...
Avoid red yeast rice if you are taking other drugs that are toxic to the liver. What are the dosages of red yeast rice? There isn’t enough scientific information on what might be an appropriate dosage of red yeast rice. Suggested dosage: ...
1. 红曲米胶囊是一种保健品,通常建议每天服用三次,每次一粒,饭后服用。2. 请注意,如果患有高血压、高血脂等疾病,建议咨询医生并进行专业治疗,而不是仅依靠保健品。3. 为了保持健康,建议日常饮食保持清淡。
Red yeast rice offers various health benefits for people who take it. They include: Lowers cholesterol One of the primary uses for red yeast rice is to lower cholesterol. The chemicals found in red yeast rice lower the amounts of"bad" cholesterol (also known asLDL)in the body by lowering...
网络红米酵母;红麴;红米酵素 网络释义
紅麴(Red yeast rice)是當今養生風潮下最值得注意的食品,在中醫辭典中,紅麴主要功效有健脾助消化、暢通血管等功效。 而紅麴的由來,最早可追朔製一千年前的宋朝,當時將紅麴普遍用於烹調、醫療及食材防腐用途。製作是利用米或山藥等食物當養分,在將紅麴菌播種於其中,於...