I'm standing, standing in the red, red rain In the morning, standing in the red, red rain Can't you hear me? can't you hear me calling your name, girl? In the morning, when I'm standing in the red, red rain, girl In the morning, I'm standing in the red, red rain Can't...
I'm standing, standing in the red, red rain In the morning, standing in the red, red rain Can't you hear me? can't you hear me calling your name, girl? In the morning, when I'm standing in the red, red rain, girl In the morning, I'm standing in the red, red rain Can't...
\\\ LYRICSOFLYRICSOFLYRICSOFREDREDRED TAYLORSWIFTTAYLORSWIFTTAYLORSWIFT StateofGraceStateofGraceStateofGrace I'mwalkingfastthroughthetrafficlightsI'mwalkingfastthroughthetrafficlightsI'mwalkingfastthroughthetrafficlights BusystreetsandbusylivesBusystreetsandbusylivesBusystreetsandbusylives Andallweknowistouchand...
TAYLOR SWIFT - RED LYRICS Loving him is like driving a new Maserati down a dead end street 爱他就像是开着一辆崭新的玛莎拉蒂冲进死胡同 Faster than the wind 比风还要快 Passionate as sin, ended so suddenly 炽热像是罪恶,突如其来地完结 Loving him is like trying to change your m...
Lyrics by:Taylor Swift Composed by:Taylor Swift Produced by:Christopher Rowe/Taylor Swift Loving him is like Driving a new Maserati down a dead end street Faster than the wind passionate as sin ending so suddenly Loving him is like Trying to change your mind once you're already flying through...
1800 1 3:32 App 'Butterflies' -RED VELVET ( Line Distribution ) 18.3万 475 7:17 App 【4K LIVE】Red Velvet - Butterflies + RBB (181130 KBS Music Bank) 6757 2 3:39 App 【繁中字】Red Velvet - Butterflies 1932 1 3:31 App HIRES 试听 IZ*ONE - 05. O Sole Mio 24bit 48kHz ...
Dreamcatcher 是韩国经纪公司Dreamcatcher Company旗下的7人女团。前身为2014年出道的5人女团MINX,2016年加入韩东与佳泫,更改团名后于2017年重新正式出道。其创造出独树一格的暗黑摇滚风,且拥有稳定演唱实力和强烈舞蹈编排,成为KPOP市场中无可取代的风格。YouTube🔍Br
Lyrics by:Taylor Swift Composed by:Taylor Swift Loving him is like driving a new Maserati Down a dead-end street Faster than the wind passionate as sin Ending so suddenly Loving him is like trying to change your mind Once you're already flying through the free fall Like the colors in autu...
Taylor Swift - RED 英文歌词精美打印版 超全!_英语学习_外语学习_教育专区。超全的Taylor Swift RED (含豪华版) 的歌词的精美WORD打印版本!由本人亲自整理! \ LYRICS OF RED TAYLOR SWIFT And I never saw you coming And I'll never be the same This is a state of grace This is the worthwhile ...