Red Queen电子书 售价:¥72.71 25人正在读 |0人评论 6.2 作者:Aveyard, Victoria 出 版 社:HarperTeen 出版时间:2015-02-10 字数:50.3万 所属分类:进口书>外文原版书>文学/自传/回忆录 温馨提示:数字商品不支持退换货,不提供源文件,不支持导出打印 ...
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the King and Queen HAD to come up with a plan to hide the fact that a Red had Silver powers. Their plan is to pretend she was just a Silver all along.
Red Queen Novella #1Red queen novella #1, Victoria Aveyard 9780062435316 (electronic bk.), Toronto Public LibraryVictoria Aveyard
作者:Aveyard Victoria书名:King's Cage(Red Queen #3)《国王的笼子》英文简介:In this breathless third installment to Victoria Aveyard’s bestselling Red Queen series, allegiances are tested on every side. And when the Lightning Girl's spark is gone, who will light the way for the rebellion?
Glass Sword (Red Queen #2) by Victoria Aveyard If there’s one thing Mare Barrow knows, it’s that she’s different. Mare Barrow’s blood is red—the color of common folk—but her Silver ability, the power to control lightning, has turned her into a weapon that the royal court ...
The Red Queen - Sex and the Evolution of Human NatureVictoria Aveyard
In this prequel novella set in the world of Red Queen, Queen Coriane, first wife of King Tiberias, keeps a secret diary - how else can she ensure that no one at the palace will use her thoughts against her? Coriane recounts her heady courtship with the crown prince, the birth of a...
Red Queen - Tome 1Victoria Aveyard
Red Queen, tome 2 : Glass swordVictoria Aveyard