The former comes from the way the Silvers decide to present Mare. Because her powers appeared in front of an audience made up by the Silver ruling class, the King and Queen HAD to come up with a plan to hide the fact that a Red had Silver powers. Their plan is to pretend she was ...
常见的等级压迫+娱乐致死电视直播+饥饿游戏+女主选妃流(等等饥饿游戏是不是可以概述以上所有)另外主角还是红毛,美国人对红毛有刻板印象和执念喝喝。不过第三部居然还有邻国总统出现,搞不懂你们一个封建帝制一个民主共和是怎么和谐相处的,可能是因为有魔法吧。 来自豆瓣App...
The red queen.(Zaha Hadid : The Complete Works)(Book Review)Brensing, Christian
Learn more about the Red Queen Series [su_row center=”yes”][su_column size=”1/4″] Red Queen Book Summary Red Queen Characters [/su_column] [su_column size=”1/4″] Glass Sword Book Review Book Summary [/su_column] [su_column size=”1/4″] King’s Cage Book Review Book Sum...
The Red Queen 假期的最后一天加上开学后两天猛读,第一次这么快啃完一本四百多页的英文书。对这个作家的印象是the white queen的电视剧,当时看得三观具毁啊,一个寡妇通过算计和未来国王好上了,当上了皇后。此时Lady Margaret的孩子被抢,被迫改嫁,多么不甘!看了这本书里Lady Margaret对白王后的想法,我只能说,...
Even so, the extent to which the Red Queen can and does provide an advantage to sex in nature is fiercely debated. Here, we survey the history of the development of the Red Queen hypothesis as applied to the maintenance of sex and discuss its theoretical underpinnings. We then review and ...
The Red Queen hypothesis proposes that selection from coevolving pathogens facilitates the persistence of outcrossing despite these costs. We used experimental coevolution to test the Red Queen hypothesis and found that coevolution with a bacterial pathogen (Serratia marcescens) resulted in significantly ...
Negative frequency-dependent selection exerted by parasites and pathogens can generate a selective advantage for rare host genotypes. This mechanism, known as the Red Queen, is currently considered to be one of the most likely explanations for the predom
The current plan is to split the shoot across two weekends, so please make sure that you update your entry in the poll. The more people we can get on a single weekend, the better it will be, of course! The Red Queen Hypothesis ...
性选择的一个假设就是红皇后理论,生命演化出性用来抵御寄生虫等威胁,基因通过性不断的重组,洗牌,使它能跟上环境变化的节奏,保持生存的可能。性选择是一个挺邪门的理论,关于自然选择的书好像更多一些,介绍性选择的比较少,另外一本书叫《handicap principle》,这是另一种解释性选择的理论。