Phylum Chordata Class Mammalia Order Carnivora Family Ailuridae Genus Ailurus Scientific Name Ailurus fulgens Read our Complete Guide to Classification of Animals. Red Panda Conservation Status Endangered Red Panda Locations AsiaRed Panda Facts Prey Bamboo, Berries, Eggs Name Of Young Cub Group Behavior...
The Chinese red panda has experienced two population bottlenecks and one large population expansion whereas the Himalayan red panda has experienced three bottlenecks and one very small expansion. These two species TAXONOMY AND CLASSIFICATION: KINGDOM: Animalia PHYLUM: Chordata CLASS: Mammalia ORDER: Carni...
《功夫熊猫3 Kung Fu Panda 3 (2016) 》英中字幕 热度: QSB和Red X在通用汽车公司零部件供应商质量管理中的应用 热度: 相关推荐 RedPanda ByDelaneySimmons Description •Classification-kingdom;mammal,phylum; chordata,class;mammalia,order; carnivora,family;ailurdae,genus;Aulurus, species;Ailurusfulgensre...
Red Panda By Lefki Philippou Animal’s Scientific name The Red Panda’s scientific name is t Ailurus fulgens, meaning fire-colored, or shining, cat. Habitat Red pandas live in the mountains of Nepal, central China and northern Myanmar in rainy, high-altitude temperate forests and tropical fores...
Classification Here is the taxonomy of the red panda, according to theIntegrated Taxonomic Information System(ITIS): Kingdom: AnimaliaSubkingdom: BilateriaInfrakingdom: DeuterostomiaPhylum: ChordataSubphylum: VertebrataInfraphylum: GnathostomataSuperclass: TetrapodaClass: MammaliaSubclass: TheriaInfraclass...
Phylum Chordata Class Amphibia Order Hylidae or Anura Family Phyllomedusidae Genus Agalychnis Scientific Name Agalychnis callidryas Read our Complete Guide to Classification of Animals. Red-Eyed Tree Frog Conservation Status Least Concern Red-Eyed Tree Frog Locations Central-America North-America South-...
echo $species->getPhylum(); // CHORDATA echo $species->getClass(); // MAMMALIA echo $species->getOrder(); // CARNIVORA echo $species->getFamily(); // AILURIDAE echo $species->getGenus(); // Ailurus echo $species->getMainCommonName(); // Red Panda ...