Red pandas, although of theCarnivoraorder, have a specialized bamboo diet, a typical example of adaptive evolution. The red pandade novowhole genome provides insights into not only the molecular basis of this adaptive evolution but also the detailed demographic histories of the two species, from ...
We analysed the genotypes of the tame and aggressive foxes to identify the most common haplotypes in the two populations and then tested the effect of the identified haplotypes on behavior in the F2 population. Haplotype analysis of the tame population identified eight markers located within or in...
In the course of the ongoing epidemic of canine distemper over the last fifteen years, foxes have been one of the most affected species62. This undoubtedly facilitates cross-species virus transmission, because the roaming behavior of foxes including proximity to human settlements has been associated ...
A morphometric analysis of the skull of the red or lesser panda, Aiulurus fulgens (Ailuridae), and the giant panda, Ailuropoda melanoleuca (Ursidae), was performed for evaluating the importance of natural selection and phylogenetic constraints in shaping the convergent morphological adaptations of ...
Red panda, reddish brown, long-tailed, raccoonlike mammal that is found in the mountain forests of the Himalayas and adjacent areas of eastern Asia. Although a single species is recognized, evidence suggests that there may be two species. They subsist ma