Stem Another excellent method of identification is to examine the stem of the red maple leaf, also known as the stalk or petiole. This will often be red or at least have a reddish tint to it on the front side. The petriole on a red maple leaf is also distinguishable by its longer le...
So I’ve been poring over the pictures I did take, to see if there was anything clear enough to publish. If nothing else, maybe I can convey what a grey, miserable day it was. Nevertheless, it wasn’t all bad. We saw two Red-Headed Woodpeckers. ...
Figure 1.Picture of red leaf blotch symptoms: first ochre spots on a leaf (a); moderately affected leaf with some necrotic spots (b); necrotic leaf (c); and severely affected tree (d). Pictures were taken on 18 July 2014 in Córdoba. ...