the one that remains down the shore is, shall we say, unique. We took a traditional traffic circle (which everyone knew how to navigate) and we put a road through the middle of it. And then we put up, like, four red lights around the outside of it. And then we added a bunch of...
Bill was a member of the Red Knights Bike Club in Digby, the ATV Club, the Curling Club, the Rotary Club and he also volunteered for Wharf Rat Rally and Lobster Bash. He had many hobbies, he loved to camp, ride his motorcycle and spend time with his grandkids. He also love to ...
Tribute patch: TOM FARRELL-- Tom Farrell was John's father, who died in 1986 at the age of 86. John Farrell has warm memories of his father, which included working on a lobster boat with him during his youth. Doug Fister: "FIST" Tribute patch: MOM&DAD, ASHLEY&BLYTHE-- The patch ho...
Lobster pasta. had it a few yearsapart, and I thought it wouldn't live up to my memory. So. Wrong. It's one of my top 10 dishes in theStatesalongside Le Bernardin or anything by Keller or Boulud. UpvoteDownvote Dana DApril 8, 2011 ...
Driving home, post game elation started to give way to inevitable dread somewhere around Korea Town. The feeling was like savoring the last bites of a lobster knowing your next stop is the electric chair. I was a dead man walking as I went straight from our back door to our living room...
Tribute patch: TOM FARRELL-- Tom Farrell was John's father, who died in 1986 at the age of 86. John Farrell has warm memories of his father, which included working on a lobster boat with him during his youth. Doug Fister: "FIST" ...