If there’s one thing we all can agree upon, it’s that Trump has always been, is, and will always be transparent. Living proof that all the money in the world can’t buy depth or brains or class or self awareness, or kindness or empathy or compassion or a heart. Even before his...
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Enter Ceramic Shield. It’s made by introducing nano-ceramic crystals — which are actually harder than most metals — into glass. Sounds simple, but it’s incredibly difficult because ceramic isn’t transparent. By controlling the type of crystals and degree of crystallinity, we dev...
Worms Pinball offers a table sporting 3D LED displayed sub-games and parallel objectives, transparent ramps, user-controllable moving gadgets, bounce and flip passes, bang backs, death saves… and much more! The depth of gameplay, variety of action, and sophisti...
Still visualization of LFPs on dark background colored surfaces and transparent surfaces were quite challenging. To find suitable solution to this RE ions doped luminescent materials are employed for the visualization of LFPs assisting both class and individual ridge characteristics [24], [25], [26]...
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