run a red light 闯红灯 释义:to drive past a red traffic light (which is a signal to stop)开车闯过红灯(表示停车的信号)例句:He got pulled over for running a red light at one of the busiest intersections in the city.他因为在市内最繁忙的一个十字路口闯红灯而被警察拦下。还有一种情况,比...
用于描述行人或车辆在无车时不顾红灯信号直接过马路,这里 “jump” 表示忽略禁止通行的指示。 Example:The driver got a ticket forjumping the light. Translation:那个司机因闯红灯收到了一张罚单。 另外,“jaywalk”专指乱穿马路。 Example:My sister got a ticket because ofjaywalking— crossing the road wit...
首先,“闯红灯”的“闯”不使用“break”动词,而是常用“run”"Run the red light"是对“闯红灯”的翻译 例:That car is running the red light.那辆车闯红灯了。再者,你还可以用“jump the red light”这里的“jump”意为忽略或直接穿过 例:Don't jump the red light.不要闯红灯。此外...
美式为“yellow light”,可以直接理解; 英式则为“amber light”,“Amber”是“琥珀色的” 例句: We should slow down at the amber/yellow light. 黄灯时我们要减速慢行。 红灯,绿灯,黄灯统称“交通灯”,叫做“traffic light” It s dangerous crossing the street here because there is no traffic light....
罚款Fine 例: We can't turn left here. It's against the traffic regulations. 这儿不能左转弯,要违反交通规则的。 I got a ticket this morning because I ran the red light. 我早上因为闯红灯被开罚单了。 I got cau...
罚款Fine 例: We can't turn left here. It's against the traffic regulations. 这儿不能左转弯,要违反交通规则的。 I got a ticket this morning because I ran the red light. 我早上因为闯红灯被开罚单了。 I got caught by the traffic police when I ran the red light, and he wrote me a ...
We should slow down at the amber/yellow light. 黄灯时我们要减速慢行。 红灯,绿灯,黄灯统称“交通灯”,叫做“traffic light”。 例句: It's dangerous crossing the street here because there is no traffic light. 因为这没有交通灯,所以过马路很危险。
fine 例句: We can't turn left here. It's against the traffic regulations. 这儿不能左转弯,要违反交通规则的。 I got a ticket this morning because I ran the red light. 我早上因为闯红灯被开罚单了。 I got caught by the tr...
fine 例句: We can't turn left here. It's against the traffic regulations. 这儿不能左转弯,要违反交通规则的。 I got a ticket this morning because I ran the red light. 我早上因为闯红灯被开罚单了。 I got caught by the traffic police when I ran the red light, and he wrote me a ticke...
fine 例句: We can't turn left here. It's against the traffic regulations. 这儿不能左转弯,要违反交通规则的。 I got a ticket this morning because I ran the red light. 我早上因为闯红灯被开罚单了。 I got caught by the traffic police when I ran the red light, and he wrote me a ticke...