Olson, Rochelle
A lawsuit challenging the red light camera program in Alabama should not have been thrown out by a lower court judge. The Eleventh Circuit US Court of Appeals on Thursday sent the case back to the trial court to rule on state law issues after the three-judge appellate panel rejected all of...
According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety 'red light' cameras have saved roughly 159 lives over four years in a study of 14 major cities. The state's Revenue Estimating Conference has projected that red light camera programs will bring roughly $100 million into the state and $75...
"Each of the local government decisions plaintiffs challenge … in connection with the red light camera programs are discretionary, planning decisions that seek to allocate resources to the enforcement of statewide traffic laws," the brief said. "This case does not involve an exaction scenario where...
Speed and redlight camera POI forum: Speed camera POIs, Safety UK, Safety Cameras, Spoken speed warning and many more interesting GPS and POI related topics. in GPS forum.
Red Light Camera Enforcement 2010 — T.F. Stern
that's not the case in every community, however. a 2005 law passed in washington state bars police from using red-light camera footage for any purpose other than traffic enforcement. and nine states have passed laws prohibiting the installation of red-light cameras altogether. join the wired ...
By State law, these photographs are confidential. If you were involved in a collision at an intersection with an Automated Enforcement camera, the photographs can only be provided to the driver of the vehicle receiving the citation. Violation Processing ...
A ruling today by the North Carolina Court of Appeals threatens red light camera programs in the state. The decision upheld two lower court rulings that had required the city of High Point to direct 90 percent of photo ticket fines to the public school system. Today's ruling expands the pr...
“This is a budget item for the state?” said Lew Uhler, president of the National Tax Limitation Committee. “This is totally reprehensible.” Red-light cameras are already in place in communities across the Southland. The governor wants to install speed detectors in 500 of those cameras, wh...