前往:https://www.cyberpunk.net/myrewards 點選【下載特典】 登入CD PROJEKT RED 帳戶 點選連結領取特典 請注意:若想領取獎勵,玩家必須啟動遊戲並透過 REDlauncher(PC 版)、主選單中「我的獎勵」(家用主機)登入 CD PROJEKT RED 帳戶。透過 CD PROJEKT RED 帳戶管理畫面綁定 PlayStation、微軟、St...
访问https://www.cyberpunk.net/myrewards 点击“下载特典”。 登录您的 CD PROJEKT RED 账号。 点击列表中的链接下载特典。 请注意:您需要先启动游戏,并使用 CD PROJEKT RED 帐户登录 REDlauncher(PC)或主菜单(主机)中的“我的奖励”,才能够领取奖励。仅通过 CD PROJEKT RED 帐户管理面板绑定 PlaySt...
However, that is not the only issue, REDmod when installed is required to be enabled through the launcher. For some reason, on my install of Cyberpunk 2077 it doesn't exist. When installed through any other launcher, it will boot straight into the launcher, where you can start the game...
文件下载后解压放入Cyberpunk 2077文件夹内 然后打开REDprelauncher 开始游戏后面出现一个设置图标 点击 激活mod开关即可. steam 2.01版本提取。其他相关问题 问也不知道 还没开始用。 链接: 链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/16yBwcdG8FphSMyW7ll2vqw?pwd=2tpv 提取码: 2tpv steam 2.02版本提取 未经验证 使用...
This one is slightly more irritating than Cyberpunk audio glitch because with Cyberpunk, it only took about five seconds to reload the entire game to "fix" the crackling whereas Rockstar makes you go through their shitty launch...
Some time ago I had an issue with the launcher itself not starting. Today it got resolved and I don't know how. Now there's another problem, whenever I...
需要的伙伴们就来下载赛博朋克2077启动器开始战斗吧! 赛博朋克2077启动器使用教程 关掉steam和删除setup_redlauncher.exe 然后直接运行E:/Steam Game/steamapps/common/Cyberpunk 2077REDprelauncher.exe。 赛博朋克2077启动器版游戏操作按键说明 按键操作 1、探索和战斗 向前移动:W 向后移动:S 向左移动:A 向右移动...
Cyberpunk 2077 Will Be As Polished As Red Dead Redemption 2, Says Developer Hopefully they can achieve that kind of polish without the crunch that allegedly characterized Red Dead’s development. Feature, Slider | 21st Nov. 2018 15 Amazing Side Missions In Red Dead Redemption 2 You Need To...
Somewhat related; when I get to the main menu and press G it tells me "ERROR: To claim your rewards, log into REDlauncher via your account before starting the game." But the launcher shows me as logged in, and the Account Management option takes me to gog.com, where I am a...
所以自己下载了一个 文件下载后解压放入Cyberpunk 2077文件夹内 然后打开REDprelauncher 开始游戏后面出现一个设置图标 点击 激活mod开关即可. steam 2.01版本提取。其他相关问题 问也不知道 还没开始用。 链接: 链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/16yBwcdG8FphSMyW7ll2vqw?pwd=2tpv ...