Frise, V. Kaynig, M. Longair, T. Pietzsch, S. Preibisch, C. Rueden, S. Saalfeld, B. Schmid, J.Y. Tinevez, D.J. White, V. Hartenstein, K. Eliceiri, P. Tomancak, A. Cardona Fiji: An open-source platform for biological-image analysis Nat. Methods, 9 (2012), pp. 676-...
Therefore, the red/purple colouration of young leaves is likely a warning signal to herbivores. When green herbivorous insects are positioned on red/purple leaves, they are conspicuous to enemies. Herbivores may have evolved to actively avoid red/purple leaves to maintain colour matching between thei...
(cyan) selenium, (orange) sulfur and (blue) oxygen recorded from selected commercial and historical CdS1−xSexpigment powders (from top): 21080Se=0.14, 21150Se=0.47, 437Se=0.12and 442Se=0.40. Numbers show the areas where single-points EDX measurements were performed, with\(\overline{{x ...
2 HAADF-STEM images and STEM-EDX maps of (green) cadmium, (red) barium, (cyan) selenium, (orange) sulfur and (blue) oxygen recorded from selected commercial and historical CdS1−xSex pigment powders (from top): 21080Se=0.14, 21150Se=0.47, 437Se=0.12 and 442Se=0.40. Numbers show ...