Define red vine. red vine synonyms, red vine pronunciation, red vine translation, English dictionary definition of red vine. Noun 1. Indian madder - perennial East Indian creeping or climbing herb used for dye in the orient munjeet, Rubia cordifolia madd
red (rĕd) n. 1. a.The hue of the long-wave end of the visible spectrum, evoked in the human observer by radiant energy with wavelengths of approximately 630 to 750 nanometers; any of a group of colors that may vary in lightness and saturation and whose hue resembles that of blood;...
from French carambole "the red...ball in billiards," from Spanish carombola "the red ball in billiards," perhaps originally "fruit of the tropical Asian...carambola tree," which is supposed to resemble a red billiard ball (but this is the star-fruit); from Marathi (southern Indian...)...
Fourth-best is a light pink color termedleh-kow-seet(literally ‘bracelet-quality’ ruby). At the bottom of the scale is the dark redka-la-ngoh. This has an interesting derivation for it means literally either “crying-Indian quality” or “even an Indian would cry,” so termed ...
from late 15c. in reference to various important medieval books with red covers; as "The Peerage," 1788; as "book containing the names of all persons in the service of the state," 1800. Mao'sLittle Red Book, containing his expressions and dictums, is attested in English by that name ...
The name derives from the Indian city of Gujarati and they were formerly exported from this city in the pet trade. Depending on the season, these little birds' red beaks turn black and red at different times. They travel in small flocks, feeding mostly on grass seeds and mating in smal...
I am an indian brave There is a memory That lives in my blood Of the brand you laid On all you touched But the burning flame Turns to burning pain Genuine genocide And that's truly insane So like a wild hurricane I will dance on the grave Of my race that died When it should have...
5. Scarlet, crimson, vermillion, carmine, maroon, burgundy, ruby, rose, madder, rouge, brick, blood red, blush, fire engine red, cinnabar, russet, rust, Venetian red, flame, Indian red, tomato. ; 猩红、深红、朱红、洋红、栗色、葡萄酒红、宝石红、玫瑰红、茜红色、胭脂红、砖红、血红、晕红...
Mester accidentally discovered that low-level ruby laser light could regrow hair in mice. While attempting to replicate a previous study which indicated red light could shrink tumors in mice, Mester noticed that the hair he had shaven off the mice grew back more quickly on the treated mice ...
Kaling made parallels between Harris and herself, who both were raised by Indian American mothers who immigrated to the United States. Kaling discussed how her mom became an OB-GYN, while Harris’ mother dedicated her life to finding a cure for cancer. “After speaking to Kamala, ...