For more information on Red Hat OpenStack Platform Extended Lifecycle Support refer to theFrequently Asked Questions document. Extended Lifecycle Support (ELS 2): Red Hat will provide twelve months of an additional Extended Life Support, denoted ELS Term 2, which commences at the end of the Exten...
For the purposes of this document, we'll split Red Hat OpenStack Platform in two: Core: The main OpenStack components (Nova, Neutron, Ironic, etc) Director: The deployment management tool For more information about Red Hat OpenStack Platform installers, readInstalling and Managing Red Hat Open...
With Red Hat OpenStack Platform 13, Red Hat continues to bring together community-powered innovation with the stability, support, and services needed for production deployment. Red Hat OpenStack Platform 13 is along-life release with up to three years of standard support and an additional, optiona...
The new lifecycle support options will address the needs of the two different customer types outlined above. We will be able to do this by designating different support lengths for different versions of Red Hat OpenStack Platform. Some versions will be long life and have support for three years...
Red Hat解释说,集成这两个平台,是因为客户正在寻找一种快速且简化的私有云产品,让他们能够将基于4G的虚拟网络功能迁移到5G云原生工作负载中,现在他们借助Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift,就可以通过一种更简单的方法来实现这个目标。新平台使现有应用能够继续运行而不会出现任何中断。新的“Podified”控制...
Migrate virtual applications to Red Hat OpenShift Virtualization This learning path guides you through the process of migrating your virtual Article How to build hosted clusters on the OpenStack platform Emilien Macchi December 19, 2024 This article provides a brief tutorial on how to integrate Open...
Red Hat近日宣布,即将推出最新版本的OpenStack。 Red Hat OpenStack Platform 17.1将在未来几周内发布,新的管理和运营工具旨在增强灵活性、效率和安全性,并提高在网络边缘的实用性。 Red Hat OpenStack Platform是开源OpenStack平台的企业级版本,基于Red Hat Enterprise Linux操作系统。客户可以获得Red Hat的额外支持和...
Red Hat, OpenStack, 云平台, 代码示例, 系统集成 一、RHOS概述 1.1 RHOS的定义和特点 Red Hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform(RHOS或Red Hat OpenStack)是由全球领先的企业级开源解决方案供应商红帽公司推出的一款基于OpenStack技术的云平台解决方案。它不仅继承了OpenStack开放、灵活的特点,还结合了Red Hat在...
Red Hat OpenStack 10的新特性 这是Red Hat有史以来最好的版本,同时也是第一个长生命周期版本(最长五年支持),这篇文章会介绍为什么这是你私有云最好的礼物。 由于要使用命令行,以前安装OpenStack是很繁重的工作。这个版本提供了一个新的图形界面给Director。这是我们简化OpenStack部署目标的第一步,根据前几个月...
The VersaStack solution covered in this document is for Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform (OCP), built on Enterprise Kubernetes for an on-premises deployment.The VersaStack for OpenShift Container Platform solution, in addition to the hardware components, includes VMware vSphere as the hypervisor...