因此,领先的Linux公司Red Hat宣布了一件大事,所有新的由Red Hat发起的使用GNU通用公共许可证(GPLv2)或GNU通用公共许可证(LGPLv2.1)的开源项目,将再补充一个GPLv3许可证。GPLv2和LGPLv2.1两个较老的开源许可证都被广泛使用。当GPLv3发布时,它提供了一个解决方案,引入了一个终止条件,给代码的分发者提供一个机会...
Red Hat Customer Portal access Exclusive content Access to the Developer Sandbox for Red Hat OpenShift, a shared OpenShift and Kubernetes cluster for practicing your skills Join Red Hat Developer today Learn more Red Hat Learning Boost your technical skills to expert-level with our interactive l...
Red Hat is the world’s leading provider of enterprise open source solutions, including high-performing Linux, cloud, container, and Kubernetes technologies.
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The Red Hat build of OpenJDK is an open source implementation of the Java... Explore Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform allows developers to set up automation to... Explore Red Hat OpenShift Open, hybrid-cloud Kubernetes platform to build, run, an...
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Red Hat Developer Hub An enterprise-grade, open developer platform for building developer portals, containing a supported and opinionated framework. Red Hat Developer Hub helps reduce friction and frustration for engineering teams while boosting their productivity and increasing their organization's competiti...
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Today is the 30th anniversary of Red Hat's Halloween releases. Here are the top 3 things that Red Hat Enterprise Linux has done unwavering ever since its humble beginnings 3 decade...read full post From free software enthusiast to container connoisseur ...
Red Hat Linux is one of the most used Linux in the enterprise world. Now with the launch ofRed Hat Enterprise Linux 9, you must be thinking about how you can try it for free as an individual. Yes, you can try it for free bydownloading Red Hat Linux 9iso and then trying it. Let...