I was involved in a demo ofRed Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) for Edge, using MicroShift and ImageBuilder, and I experienced some problems with the network driver for Raspberry Pi 4 in RHEL 8. To solve this problem, I decided to create a custom image based on RHEL 9 instead, andin my p...
I was involved in a demo ofRed Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) for Edge, and I experienced some problems with the network driver for Raspberry Pi 4 in RHEL 8. To solve this problem, I decided to create a custom image based on RHEL 9 instead, where the Ethernet network driver works. (Note...
Does anybody know what the red LED on the PoE+ hat is for? If it is like the main Pi red LED where always on is "good", is there a dtparam to disable the hat LED? Thanks! Other (locked) posts on this (without replies): ...
We will demonstrate connectivity technologies like Bluetooth Low Energy and MQTT as well as developer prototyping platforms like Raspberry Pi, Arduino, Intel Edison, Spark.io microcontrollers, and more. Article Perform hands-on, real-world IoT development at the Red Hat Summit IoT CodeStarter ...
Linux Installers for Node-RED Both of the following commands use sudo (root) access to install Node-RED globally (and nodejs if required). You may want to inspect them first to satisfy yourself as to the actions they take. Debian, Ubuntu, Raspberry Pi OS ...
RHV/oVirt Thin Client is a solution for Red Hat oVirt VDI. Provides support for Spice, VNC and RDP protocols. It's a thin client based on ARM architecture. It has an optimized Linux operating system.
Pico Cube is a 4x4x4 LED cube HAT for Raspberry Pi Pico with 5V DC operating voltage. Pico cube, a monochromatic( Red, Blue, Green) LED with 64, is a fun way to learn programming. - sbcshop/PICO-CUBE
Red Hat versus SUSE: Which is best for you? Deciding between Red Hat and SUSE may not be so simple as deciding on the basic OS. Instead, look at support options, additional enterprise management tools, automation solutions, cloud capabilities and integrations, and training opportunities ...
此次收购,也会让 SUSE 在云市场上,再次和老对手 Red Hat 直接竞争。Red Hat 也有自己的 Kubernetes 管理平台 OpenShift,Red Hat 今年4月新上任的总裁 Paul Cormier 同样是开放式混合云的倡导者。现在 SUSE 似乎希望将开源、独立、云服务三个词融在一起,以凸显优势。就像其 CEO Melissa Di Donato 所说:“...
Step 2. Plug the Grove Base Hat into Raspberry. Step 3. Connect the Red LED to port 12 of the Base Hat. Step 4. Connect the Raspberry Pi to PC through USB cable.note For step 3 you are able to connect the Red LED to **any GPIO Port** but make sure you change the command wit...