Define Red Guard. Red Guard synonyms, Red Guard pronunciation, Red Guard translation, English dictionary definition of Red Guard. n. 1. A member of an activist youth movement in China, prominent during the Chinese Cultural Revolution of the late 1960s, t
Adam Gopnik, The New Yorker, 14 Oct. 2024 And when a local Red Guard leader, who had taken up residence in her father’s study, publicly denounces her father, Red Guards take him into custody. Martha Ross, The Mercury News, 15 July 2024 See More Word...
Define Red heads. Red heads synonyms, Red heads pronunciation, Red heads translation, English dictionary definition of Red heads. n. 1. A person with red hair. 2. A North American duck , the male of which has a gray back and wings, a red head, and a blac
Understand the start of the Red Guards of China under the direction of Chairman Mao, as well as their influence on the Cultural Revolution and...
which has no affiliation with Red Guards Austin besides being among those who have inherited the movement they were a part of and wish to continue the struggle. As this statement describes, the new movement has expelled the abusive clique of opportunists who made Red Guards Austin so notorious ...
In thePeople's Republic of China,Red Guards(红卫兵) were a mass movement of civilians, mostly students and other young people, who were mobilised byMao Zedongand his allies to defeat their enemies within the struggle for power officially called theCultural Revolution, between 1966 and 1976. ...
A prop exists for a unique Double-Action Revolver for Trelawny, which was intended to be used in the scene in "A Fine Night of Debauchery" where Arthur hands over his gun to the riverboat guards.MiscellaneousSome props never show up in the final game, either due to performance issues or ...
definition of poverty as well as the need for a povertylinetofacilitatedrawingupspecific targets for alleviating the poverty situation. 雖然事務委員會及小組委員會過往就貧窮議題所進行的 討論,主要關乎香港的扶貧政策及措施,但委員亦不時商議貧窮 的概念和定義,以及有否需要劃定貧...
Driving through the town the homes were surrounded by iron gates protecting their property .In most neighborhoods, every house had iron gates across the driveways and yards, razor wire and or electrical security fences and some had uniformed guards. What were the Ticos so afraid of? Answer, ...
Define Red envelope. Red envelope synonyms, Red envelope pronunciation, Red envelope translation, English dictionary definition of Red envelope. or n 1. a sum of money folded inside red paper and given at the Chinese New Year to unmarried younger relativ