QTL-seq identifies an early flowering QTL located near flowering lLocus T in cucumber. Theor Appl Genet 2014; 127: 1491–1499. 40 Illa-Berenguer E, Van Houten J, Huang Z et al. Rapid and reliable identification of tomato fruit weight and locule number loci by QTL-seq. Theor Appl Genet ...
Flowering is very early and susceptible to spring frost. Strig is a long cluster. Berries are variable in size, of average quality, have a tendency to split in wet weather; and have a moderate content of vitamin C. The bush has moderate yield and matures very early. Canes are erect, ...
Identification of key genes and metabolism pathways involved in the formation of lycopene accumulation trait in the sweet orange mutant In this study, we used MPSS method to monitor the global transcriptional changes in the MT comparing with WT, and identified 582 differentially expressed genes at 0....
After 7–8 days bud-break took place and from this moment to flowering plant growth was controlled to leave one inflorescence and 4 leaves per plant. While flowering in Tempranillo (TEM), Tinto Velasco (TV), Graciano (GRA), and Grand Noir (GNO) started, respectively, on 4, 7 and 9 ...
Fragaria is a genus of flowering plant in the rose family, Rosaceae, commonly known as strawberry for their edible fruits. There are more than 20 described species and many hybrids and cultivars. The most common strawberries grown commercially are cultivars of the hybrid known as Fragaria × ...
diversity Article Genetic Structure and Connectivity of the Red Mangrove at Different Geographic Scales through a Complex Transverse Hydrological System from Freshwater to Marine Ecosystems Landy R. Chablé Iuit 1, Salima Machkour-M'Rabet 1,* , Julio Espinoza-Ávalos 2,†, Héctor A. Hernández...