Wait... that’s a green flag for you?!? Can you handle your friends’ shocking opinions? It's time to pick up those flags and get judging! [What Links Here]
大家好,今天我们邀请来了我们就那样儿挚友,兼小红书头号约会博主艾比,来聊聊约会中的red flags。red flags指的是约会中令人下头的事情。我们这一期通过一个游戏问答的方式,根据不同的情境讨论这个行为是:无比下头的(Red Flags),无所谓的(Beige Flags),还是加分的
red flags指的是约会中令人下头的事情。我们这一期通过一个游戏问答的方式,根据不同的情境讨论这个行为是:无比下头的(Red Flags),无所谓的(Beige Flags),还是加分的(Green Flags)。欢迎大家也积极评论哪些是你认为的Red/Beige/Green flags。节目也会有视频版在艾比的小红书账号放出,对视频版感兴趣的伙伴欢迎转至...
I couldn't find the term "green flag report" used I've never heard it.Maybe if you gave me a sentence or paragraph I might be able to help you.Here is some information about "red flag reports":Certain types of financial transactions serve as indicators,or “red flags” that call for...
The meaning of RED-FLAG is to identify or draw attention to (a problem or issue to be dealt with). How to use red-flag in a sentence.
It refers to a study that explored the beef industry's influence on communities, the economy, and public health. Highlighted is the most critical thing that livestock farmers can do on sustainability which is to ask questions and listen to industry pioneers.DucheneLisaEBSCO_bspNational Provisioner...
Green Green在生活中常指代绿色,而“green hand”的意思并不是绿色的手,而是新手、菜鸟,指刚入门的人。由于England是个岛国,船是重要交通工具,为保养船只,常用与海水一样的绿色油漆来漆船。一个不熟练的油漆工,工作时常会双手粘满油漆,由此可见...
2024 To help parse the data quickly, the system shows a green flag when everything is going well and red flags when the values are out of whack with what's supposed to happen. Roberto Baldwin, Ars Technica, 22 Dec. 2024 See all Example Sentences for red-flag ...
No matter where you go, you will always find a red, white and green flag. There are many countries that have these colors in their flags. Here are some examples: Mexico Oman Burundi New England Hungary Iran Italy Algeria Lebanon Zenica-Doboj Canton ...