The red-eyed tree frog (Agalychnis callidrayas) is a small, non-poisonous tropicalfrog. The scientific name of the frog derives from the Greek wordskalos(beautiful) anddryas(wood nymph). The name refers to the frog's vibrant coloration. Fast Facts: Red-Eyed Tree Frog Scientific Name:Agaly...
2. How do red-eyed tree frog tadpoles get into the water? The mother lays her eggs in the water where they hatch and grow. The mother lays her eggs at the top of a tall tree and the tadpoles must climb down into the water below. ...
I was helping a couple and my coworker looked over at me wide eyed because the couple was so close to me their shoulders were touching mine. … this is after I asked for them to move back.*this is one more reason I wear my mask ...