The problem is astigmatism warps light a bit. While this might not be an issue or even something you notice in day-to-day life, when you look at a red dot sight, it will look “wrong” instead of being a nice little circle of light. How it looks depends entirely on your flavor of...
+ 1 for the Telrad, The factory supplied red dot starfinders are not very good, cheap, have screens that are way to small to be of use. Out of the Cheaper dot type starfinders, the Telrad is one of the best. Green Laser pointers are by far the easiest to use. I can't use lase...
They looked to see how functions can be condensed, eliminate unnecessary items, and streamline operation to a core concept. Here, we can see the fruits of that effort. More than any other design goal, Leica has worked diligently to reduce the body thickness by 4mm to that of an analog M...
So this is what hoarding looks like, never going to have to ration again! Our neighbours, local boaters, generous with info on places to see, where to shop, best restaurants, dinghy runs to local farmers markets, evenings with live music, etc. There was a friendly exchange of favourite b...