We thank the Zoological Society of London Whipsnade Zoo (F. Molenaar), Bristol Zoological Society (S. Dow and K. Wyatt), the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland Highland Wildlife Park (J. Morse), the British Deer Society, the Penn State Deer Research Center (D. Wagner) and the Northeast...
et al. The primary sequence of the beta chain of Hb type III of the Virginia white-tailed deer (Odocoilus virginianus), a comparison with putative sequences of the beta chains from four additional deer hemoglobins, types II, IV, V, and VIII, and relationships between intermolecular contacts...
(CA, CH, 12) 19705 STEVENS CREEK BLVD, 95014‑2405 3379 DEER VALLEY RD, 94531‑6664 (408) 996‑7987 (925) 706‑0775 BRENTWOOD #013133 F/T 1 (CH, SP) P/T 2 (SP, TA) #013865 SMILECARE DENTAL GROUP VALORA LEGASPI, DDS 6406 ACD SUNRISE BLVD, 95610 DALY CI...