Red Dead Online Collector's Map ByDuPz0r,September 17, 2019inRed Dead Redemption 2 DuPz0r Pixel Self Portrait Gold Member 5361 6519 posts Location:Bawsaq HQ PSN Name:BushkaUK | DuP-z0r Steam ID:BushkaUK Social Club:DuPz0r Report post...
To access this treasure map in Red Dead Redemption 2 you first need to complete “The New South” Chapter 3. On top of this, you need to complete the Treasure Hunter chance encounter which pops up at a certain location on the map. When you come across a man looking through binoculars. ...
On this page you can find the huge Official In-Game Map of Red Dead Redemption 2, in the highest resolution / quality possible, including every area of the...
Have you ever tried Red Dead Redemption 2 Maps and Locations mods? It’s about time! We have a great collection of high quality Red Dead Redemption 2 Online game Maps mods which is accessible for everyone. What could be better than adding the kind of specifications that you have been only...
Red Dead Redemption 2 has 4 Treasure Hunts and this guide shows all treasure map locations and solutions where to dig up the treasure. Only 3 treasure hunts are needed for 100% game completion, they count for the Explorer Challenge (and all challenges are required to attain 100%). ...
"Red Dead Redemption 2:終極版內除了包含特別版的所有精彩內容外,還有讓玩家在線上模式中獲得先機的額外優惠。 故事模式內容: 故事模式的銀行搶劫任務與幫派藏身處:玩家可獲得獨家一項銀行搶劫任務,在任務中亞瑟及幫派同夥要前往羅德這個南方城鎮,闖入並搶劫銀行。在其他地方,哮狼幫搶佔了一個大型牧場。肅清這個幫派...
This page of the Red Dead Redemption 2 guide contains a complete list of all treasure maps present in the game. The maps lead to treasure which collecting also counts towards 100% completion.
包含Red Dead Redemption 2:故事模式、Red Dead 線上模式,外加所有特別版和終極版內容。 Red Dead Redemption 2 是一款囊括超過 175 座年度遊戲獎項,並獲得超過 250 筆滿分評價的大作,講述在邁向現代化之初的美國,關於榮耀和忠誠的詩篇。 美國,1899 年。亞瑟.摩根與范特林幫是逃亡中的亡命之徒。遭到聯邦探員和國...
Red Dead Redemption 2:終極版內容檢視附加元件 描述 包含Red Dead Redemption 2:故事模式、Red Dead 線上模式,外加所有特別版和終極版內容。 Red Dead Redemption 2 是一款囊括超過 175 座年度遊戲獎項,並獲得超過 250 筆滿分評價的大作,講述在邁向現代化之初的美國,關於榮耀和忠誠的詩篇。 美國,1899 年。亞瑟....
包含Red Dead Redemption 2:故事模式、Red Dead 線上模式,外加所有特別版和終極版內容。 Red Dead Redemption 2 是一款囊括超過 175 座年度遊戲獎項,並獲得超過 250 筆滿分評價的大作,講述在邁向現代化之初的美國,關於榮耀和忠誠的詩篇。 美國,1899 年。亞瑟.摩根與范特林幫是逃亡中的亡命之徒。遭到聯邦探員和國...