一名 Red Dead Redemption 2 玩家发现了隐藏在 Arthur Morgan 眼中的一个令人兴奋的微小细节,许多粉丝可能会忽视这一细节。Rockstar Games 的Red Dead Redemption 2隐藏着许多惊人的秘密,供勇敢的亡命之徒去发现。从外星生命的宏伟一瞥到甚至是Red Dead Redemption 2版本的巨大猛犸象,开放世界动作冒险西部片应有尽...
“ There's a goodman within you,Arthur.” 亚瑟一直不愿相信的一句话,因为他自己也明白,就如玛丽在信中写,亚瑟的内心一直在和巨人搏斗,结果是巨人赢了,一次又一次的赢了。 “Mr. Morgan,you don't know you,whenever I happen to meet you,you're with helping people and smiling.” 这是与修女告别时...
Arthur Morgan is a central character and the primary protagonist of Red Dead Redemption 2. Arthur Morgan was born circa 1863[1] to Beatrice and Lyle Morgan in the northern United States.[2] As a child, his mother died of unknown causes, while his father
Arthur's Takes His Last Breaths As A Hero, Not A Villain There is no greater tragedy in Red Dead Redemption 2 than the death of Arthur Morgan. The lead character desperately clings to his last breath, struggling and wheezing to take in air as he lies there helpless, at his end, among...
《荒野大镖客:救赎2》(英语:Red Dead Redemption 2,香港和台湾译作“碧血狂杀2”)是一部修正主义西部片风格的动作冒险游戏。此游戏由Rockstar Games制作与发行,2018年10月26日于PlayStation 4和Xbox One平台发布、2019年11月5日在Microsoft Windows平台发布、11月19日发布Stadia版本。
的角色吸引了许多有才华的人的注意。自从游戏发布以来,像赛迪·阿德勒 (Sadie Adler) 和亚瑟·摩根( Arthur Morgan)这样的角色就一直是 cosplay 的主题。尽管如此,角色扮演并不是粉丝用来庆祝Red Dead Redemption 2角色的唯一形式。事实上,一位粉丝使用一种相当出人意料的方法设法捕捉到了荷兰人范德林德的形象。
Red Dead Redemption 2contains quite an emotional ending, and regardless of player choice, Arthur Morgan will die. And it's made even more tragic by the fact that Arthur dies alone. If the player has low honor, Arthur is directly betrayed by Dutch and killed by Micah, either by being stab...
《Red Dead Redemption 2》,荒野大镖客2,简称RDR2,是Rockstar San Diego工作室制作,Rockstar公司发行的一款以美国西部拓荒史为题材的动作冒险类开放世界游戏,为2010年该公司发行的《Red Dead Redemption》的正统续作。 游戏介绍:十九世纪九十年代,美国,当警察开始...
By mid-2017, the acting for Red Dead Redemption 2's story was completed. At this time, the story was approximately 65 hours long, but a 5-hour portion of the game's story was later cut from the game. At one point, the protagonist Arthur Morgan had two love interests, but Dan Houser...
Arthur Morgan,谢谢你,带我做了一场美国西部的梦。 首先,游戏给六星,扣一星是难以捉摸的R星服务器和优化!玩上游戏好像上天恩赐,这点从Steam总评为“褒贬不一”可见一斑。 不过无论如何还是得谢谢R星,虽然反反复复折磨好久才玩上游戏(甚至一度想弃掉幸好春节没事又重新试了试),但是一进入游戏就被这个19世纪末...