On this page you can find the huge Official In-Game Map of Red Dead Redemption 2, in the highest resolution / quality possible, including every area of the...
Those were all the Red Dead Redemption 2 Treasure Maps and their solutions. In total you can get 14 Gold Bars ($7000) from this. One of the fastest ways to make money in RDR2. For more RDR2 guides check out our fullRed Dead Redemption 2 Wiki & Strategy Guide....
In order to find Red Dead Redemption 2 high stakes treasure, you will have to find 3 treasure maps scattered through the game which will lead you to the final treasure which has 3 gold bars for you to take. High Stakes Treasure Map #1 To access this treasure map in Red Dead Redemption ...
Red Dead Redemption 2 現在不僅可以享受新增的故事模式內容,以及功能齊全的拍照模式,還能免費進入共享世界 Red Dead 線上模式。在 Red Dead 線上模式,玩家可以扮演一系列角色職業,包括追蹤通緝犯的賞金獵人、開創事業的貿易商、挖掘奇珍異寶的收藏家、經營地下釀酒廠的私釀酒商以及更多,在邊境開拓出自己的道路。 軟體...
本作中有6個賞金任務,在主城鎮警長辦公室中你可以看到這些海報,想要達成100%完成度需要找到其中的5個,本攻略就為大家介紹一下所有賞金任務海報的位置。 賞金任務的海報在以下幾個城鎮中:Valentine、Rhodes、Saint Denis、Strawberry、Blackwater、Tumbleweed。
Have you ever tried Red Dead Redemption 2 Maps and Locations mods? It’s about time! We have a great collection of high quality Red Dead Redemption 2 Online game Maps mods which is accessible for everyone. What could be better than adding the kind of specifications that you have been only...
《Red Dead Redemption 2》終極版內除了包含特別版的所有故事模式內容外,外加線上模式額外內容,包括線上模式角色服裝獎勵、等級獎勵、黑栗色純種馬,還可免費取得生還者營地主題。此外還可免費取得線上模式額外武器。 版本 CN¥429 Epic 獎勵 退款類型
The Poisonous Trail- this page contains descriptions and locations of all 3 maps of The Poisonous Trail Treasure Hunt. These lead to 4 gold bars, which when sold rack up to $ 2,000. Red Dead Redemption 2 October 26, 2018 Rate It!
Red Dead Redemption 2:終極版內容檢視附加元件 描述 包含Red Dead Redemption 2:故事模式、Red Dead 線上模式,外加所有特別版和終極版內容。 Red Dead Redemption 2 是一款囊括超過 175 座年度遊戲獎項,並獲得超過 250 筆滿分評價的大作,講述在邁向現代化之初的美國,關於榮耀和忠誠的詩篇。 美國,1899 年。亞瑟....
包含Red Dead Redemption 2:故事模式和 Red Dead 線上模式。Red Dead Redemption 2 是一款囊括超過 175 座年度遊戲獎項,並獲得超過 250 筆滿分評價的大作,講述在邁向現代化之初的美國,關於榮耀和忠誠的詩篇。美國,1899 年。亞瑟.摩根與范特林幫是逃亡中的亡命之徒。遭到聯邦探員和國內最出色賞金獵人群起追捕的他們...